Ragnarök and the End of Noah’s Inheritors
Sekhmet and the Ashes of an Era
The history of antiquity may only be understood to its full extent when we replace the traditional label of “the Gods” with lords, rulers or despots. For the “Gods” of antiquity were incarnate beings. This is true for the Anunnaki (“the heavenly on Earth”) who since 15000 BC were active on Earth as well as the Noites, the descendants of Noah alias Uranus alias Dyaus-Pitar (Jupiter). The Noites were the Titans, the “princes”. Titans like the “God” king Zeus alias Indra demonstrated the same despotism, the same licentiousness, the same cold contempt towards “simple” humans as had been lived out by the Anunnaki for 15’000 years.
Zeus Rebels Against Re, the Sovereign of the Anunnaki
Cronus had not gotten over his disempowerment by his son Zeus, especially since hardly anyone else had to suffer more than Cronus did when he imagined the dangers that a licentious character like Zeus in the office as king of the Titans could provoke.
According to Hellenic sources Cronus decided, together with other disempowered Titans, to unleash a war against Zeus and his Olympian followers. Atlas and Menoetius joined them.
But Zeus killed Menoetius with a lightening bolt from his ray weapon (Ranke-Graves) and the conflict was dramatically expanded.
For three years, recount the Nordic Eddas, “over the whole world great battles will be fought”.

Ragnarök: Jugendstil-Darstellung des Untergangs der Asen in Hyperborea/Jütland
In the Völuspa (“The Seeress’s Prophecy”) it is said:
Brother shall strike brother
And both fall.
Sister’s sons defiled with incest.
Evil be on earth,
An age of whordom,
Of sharp sword-play
And shields clashing,
A wind age, a wolf age
Till the world ruins:
No man to another shall mercy show.
In this delicate situation Re, king of the world and Elion Hypsistos, decided to end the doings of his out-of-control descendants. “The Earth guardian is striking out full of ire” – so it is said topically in the Edda.
During the war of the Titans the disastrous Zeus seemed to have planned an extension of the conflict against the king of the world Re. For in the burial texts of Ramses III. is written:
“It is in the time that Re got old …, the king of men and Gods … when people began to speak out against him, when his majesty hat gotten old … The Gods were summoned … Re said to Nunu” (another name of Enki-Ptah):
“You oldest of Gods from whom I originated, and you God ancestors! See the people … they have contrive plans against me. Tell me how you would counteract that. See, I try to forestall having to kill them until I have heard your opinion.”
His father Nunu-Enki answered him:
“My son Re, God larger than his genitor und mightier than his creator! Sit upon your throne! Great is the fear of you, when your eye sets forth against those who rebelled against you!”
The other gentlemen endorsed Enki:
“Let your eye go and cast the rebels with calamity!”
A World War Covers Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa
On his flight corridor (see: “Bifröst and the Oracles”) Re installed a terrible destructive weapon and razed all capitals and residences of Noah’s descendants including the appendant cultures to the ground.
Re’s Egyptian daughter Sekhmet, who had made a name as Goddess of Destruction took a leading role in the sweeping process of annihilation.
In the Papyrus Leyden (I, 384) it is said:
“Sekhmet changed into the beautiful shape of an angry lioness. She tossed her mane around. Her skin flared off fire. Her back had the colour of blood. Her face shone like the sun’s disk, her eye glowed with fire. Her looks blazed like flames and radiated fire like the noon sun … The desert spat fire when she whetted her claws. The forests of Huri trees withered since her nostrils blew forth smoke … In the hour the desert covered its face, the mountains became black, the sun darkened at noon and one could no longer see the sky …”
Around 1220 BC Sekhmet unleashed an inferno that most probably cost more lives than the world wars in the 20th century.
Sethos II. (1215–1210 BC) noted:

Sekhmet: Die Tochter des Re leitete mit dem „kreisenden Stern“ die umfassende Vernichtungsaktion gegen die Machtzentren der Titanen und Asen im gesamten Mittelmeerraum, im Nahen Osten, in Kleinasien und in Europa
“Sekhmet was a rotating star that spread its fire in flames, a fiery flame in its storm.”
Ramses III. (1184–1153 BC) let tell in the temple Medinet Habu of “Sekhmet’s shooting star”, the star “fast in it’s track that orbits the Earth in an instant” and “sends out arrow after arrow”.
While the war of the Titans still ravaged, two “wolves” devoured Sun and Moon. “The stars”, we read in the Edda texts, “fell from Heaven in arcs. The Earth and the mountains quaked so that the trees were shaken loose from the ground, the mountains tumbled down”.
But then “the wolf Fenrir gets loose. The sea floods the lands because the Midgard Serpent Jörmungandr thrashes about in great anger and strives for the land”.
Mitten in this infernal melee “the Heaven is torn asunder and from up there the Muspell’s sons come riding” – the flying fighters of the Egyptian Sekhmet.
“Surtr” – the black one – “is riding ahead, before him and behind him fire. His sword is a work of wonder; it radiates brighter than the sun. And as they ride across Bifröst, it breakes down … The Muspell’s boys ride on to the field Wigrid”.
Among the attackers is Loki, the blood brother of Odin – “smart and beautiful to behold, yet of an evil temper”.
And then followed Ragnarök, the demise of the Nordic Gods: The wolf Fenrir devours Odin, but Widar in turn slays the wolf Fenrir. Thor kills the Midgard Serpent, but succumbs to its “poison breath” and dies.
The hellhound Garmr and the Àss Tyr as well as Loki and Heimdallr all kill each other, and Freyr comes to his death against Surtr.
“Then Surtr flung fire over the Earth and lets the whole world go up in flames.”
In der Völuspa we read:
Earth sinks in the sea,
The sun turns black,
Cast down from heaven
Are the hot stars,
Fumes reek,
Into flames burst,
The sky itself
Is scorched with fire.
Asgard was destroyed, the leading Æsir disembodied. Even the island of the ash tree Yggdrasil was not spared:
“Earth and Sun stood still, and the stream of poisoned air did not want to abate, at the fountain Mimir the oracle halted”.
The inferno of Ragnarök is also conveyed in the Dera Linda Boek, a medieval Frisian chronicle:
“Atland, as it was called by seafarers, was swallowed up with all its mountains and its valleys by the waves, and the Sea covered it all. The Earth buried many people, and who escaped came to death in the water. The mountains spewed out fire … The forests were burnt to ashes, and the wind carried them away and dispersed them across the whole Earth. New rivers were formed, and the sand in their estuaries formed new islands. Three years the land groaned, and when it finally recovered, one discerned its wounds.”
According the Prose Edda the devastating catastrophe was followed by the “Fimbul Winter” (the great winter) – “with blizzards from all directions, heavy frost and biting winds, without sunshine. Three winters immediately follow one another, with no summer between them”.
For the survivors all was lost, and the land of the Æsir that once was the well-appointed magical Hyperborea, had become a desert hostile to life.
In the Völuspa is state that:
“The humans must vacate Midgard.”
Almost fifty years later Ramses III. had the memory of the fate and origin of the blond folks of the North engraved into the walls of the victory temple Medinet Habu:
“Their forests and fields have been burnt by fire … The heat of Sekhmet has scorched their lands.”
“The power of the sea broke out and in a great wave of water devoured their towns and villages … Their capital” – Asgard – “had sunk in the sea. Their land is no more.”
And the proud land of the Nile itself had not been spared by the destructive fire. In the Medinet Habu texts we read:
“Egypt lay in total devastation. No humans remain anywhere … The crocodiles get sated on what they stole; people go to them on their own accord … pestilence pervades the land, and blood is everywhere.”
Where Libya bordering to the west is concerned, Merenptah (1224–1215 BC) already had engraved in Karnak:
“Libya has become a desert and without fruit, the Libyans come to Egypt to find nourishment for their bodies.”
And half a century later Ramses III. confirmed:
“Libya has become a desert, a terrible torch flung flames from heaven, their souls to destroy and their tribe to devastate … their bones burn and roast in their limbs.”
One of the very last clay tablet texts that were composed in the formerly radiant Ugarit in North Canaan says:
“The star Anat fell from heaven, it murdered the population of the Syrian coast and inverted the two crepuscules and the position of the celestial bodies.”
As in Ugarit modern excavators found might conflagration strata in the whole Canaanite area, like in Meggido, Jericho and Lachish.
Bittel and Naumann, the excavators of the Hatti metropolis Hattusha in today’s Anatolia that was destroyed by the Sekhmet bombardment, summed up their findings such:
“The town foundered in a gigantic catastrophe. Wherever we set our shovels …, we found incontrovertible evidence of a devastation, conflagration that devoured all that was inflammable, turned adobe into a red, hard or cindery mass, lime rocks blasted or fragmented hat.”
And they added:
“Sometimes we got the impression that what happened to be in the buildings could not have caused such flames, such heat, as if several combustible materials had been deliberately put there to increase the power of the conflagration. Individual local hostile fires impossibly can have been the cause of such total devastation.”
Hattusha, the town of megalithic construction, “must have burnt for weeks, even months.”
In all settlements and towns of Hatti land, thus Jürgen Spanuth summarises the findings from that time, “archaeologists found traces of these earthquakes and conflagrations.”
And the digging archaelogist J. Wiesner wrote already in 1943: “From Troy VII” – this is the senventh-highest culture stratum – “to Palestine a true chain of devastating destruction can be proven.”
The worst destruction however occurred in the Mediterranean: The volcanic island Thera-Santorini exploded in an immense eruption and lay the Minoan culture on Crete, neighbouring Cyprus, all the Aegean islands and the Peloponnesus in ashes and buried the once radiant cultures under flood waves that rose to the seventy metres higher terraces of the Acropolis of Athens.
Jürgen Spanuth in his book “Die Atlanter” (The Atlanteans):
“The main cone of a height of about 1600 metres of the once perfectly circular island of Strongyle was thrust up by this explosion of immense power to great heights and in its place a crater of a depth up to 400 metres was ripped open. It is estimated that around 150 cubic kilometres solid rock was thrown into the air; at the eruption of Krakatoa on August 27, 1883, it was only around 15 to 20 cubic kilometres.”
150 cubic kilometres of rock! In order to be able to grasp the size of such an unbelievable mass of rock, let us take a moment and look south from the Hamburg Alster – to a cube of one kilometre long, wide and deep. 150 such cubes strung together would form a huge mountain range between Hamburg and Hannover that would radically alter the landscape of Northern Germany. What forces were at work then that could blow such a rock mass up in the air?
The Peoples from the North Emigrate South …
The North Folks who had to abandon Midgard took the same route that 1000 years before their Japhetite ancestors had taken. This was the second large “migration” that also the official history books know. The emigrants now hardly were still of Japhet’s blood, but mainly of the bloodline of Odin, of whom we know that he was the biblical Ham.
At the vanguard rode the descendants of Thor-Heracles who in their later new homeland Hellas as Dorians (“Thorians”) became equally well-known as Heraclides. The Dorians were with great probability led by the sons of Thor, Modi and Magni, for according to the Edda they had survived the inferno.
From Southern Sweden, Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg and Lower Saxony the northern folks moved, “as the findings prove”, says Spanuth, “up the Elbe and the Oder”.
Along the “amber roads” they migrated in several directions: to Asia Minor and Canaan, to Greece and Italy, to Sicily and North Africa.
Spanuth: “The move from the Hungarian lowlands must have happened shortly after the monstrous eruption of the volcano Thera-Santorini, the remains of the North Folks are always above the layers of volcanic ash that this eruption had dispersed far and wide.”
… and as “Sea Peoples” Move Against Egypt
The wanderings and formation of the North Folks lasted about forty-five years – then they moved on three fronts against Egypt: via Libya, by sea with a large fleet of newly-constructed and via Hatti and Canaan.
An inscription in Medinet Habu says:
“Not any land withstood their weapons, beginning with Hatti; Kode (Northern Syria), Karkemish (on the upper Euphrates), Yeret (Crete) and Yeres (Cyprus) were destroyed at the same time. They erected their field camp at a place in Amurru. Land and people were annihilated as if they had never existed. They came, when a fire was caused ahead of them, towards Egypt.”
But despite the decimation of the Egyptian population and despite the flight of hundreds of thousands of Israelite settlers from the eastern delta, Ramses III. succeeded in deploying an immense well-equipped army.
And what no one expected happened: The battle in the area of the Nile delta that Ramses III. had to fight on three fronts at the same time, was decided in favour of the defendants.
Tens of thousands of fighters on both sides succumbed in their blood, then the battle was over. The defeated North Folks that were recorded in history as the “Sea Peoples” withdrew.
Ramses made thousands of prisoners to forced labourers und eternalised on the walls of the victory temple Medinet Habu in Thebes his historic triumph.
The substantial text material in Medinet Habu leaves no doubt about the provenance of the attackers:
“Allied were the Peleset, Sakar, Shekelesh, Denen and Weshesh … They come from the islands and mainland lying in Sin-wur” – Ocean – “in the North.”
On the murals at Medinet Habu, says Spanuth, “the North Sea folks are shown with horned helmets, rayed crowns, flange-hilted sword and daggers, round shields, different ship types, chariots etc., that before 1200 BC were nowhere to be found except in the Northern-European area.”
The Peleset withdrew to Canaan and there erected within a few decennia a flowering new culture and became known as Pheres and Philistines. Their fellow tribesmen who had remained in Europe played – much later – an important role as the Prussians.
The Sakar (Saxons) together with the Prussians settled in the area of Lebanon (Canaan). Sakar and Pheres with time intermingled with the Western Arameans and later were called Phoenicians.
The memory of the Philistines is today still expressed in the name Palestine.
The Denes (Danes) chose Cyprus as their new homeland. The Heraclides or Dorians settled on the Hellenic Peloponnesus.
The Phrygians had already during the emigration founded settlements in the destroyed Hatti land, und die Illyrians settled for three-hundred years in Apulia and Venetia before they moved on to Hellas around 900 BC.
The Hyperborean land of the Æsir on the Jutland peninsula had in the meantime recuperated.

Merenptah: Dieser Pharao lieferte die ersten Berichte über das Zerstörungswerk der Sekhmet und war Zeitgenosse des von Sin erzwungenen Auszugs der Israeliten aus Ägypten
The Edda:
“The earth rises from the sea and is green and beautiful; on the fields there is growth without any seeding. Widar and Wali are alive … and they live on the Ida field where earlier had stood Asgard. Thor’s sons, Modi and Magni, also come there and bring along the Mjölnir … In the grass they find golden tablets that once the Æsir had used.”
From the lists of Ramses III. One learns that also the Libu (Libyans), Luka (Lykians), Shirdana (Sardinians), Akawasha (Achaeans), Tursha (Etruscans) and Shekelesh (Sicilians) belonged to the Northern peoples.
And so we hardly wonder today that in North Africa there are Berber tribes whose members look like we-tanned Swedes – with blond hair and blue eyes.
The “Earth Guardian” had led a scathing strike against his wayward descendants, against the children and grandchildren of Noah alias Jupiter-Uranus. Re had ended an historic experiment that had failed. His intention to introduce between the Anunnaki – who withdrew into the background – and the simple earth people a terrestrial ruling dynasty was doomed.
Re had to make the bitter experience that his descendants whose progress he had for a long time patiently fostered had become entangled in bloody power struggles and the end even were about to rise up against him, the Elyon Hypsistos, the father of them all.
Two thousand years after the Great Flood Earth had again been purified, this time by fire. Odin, Zeus and other Titans had reached life spans of over 2’000 years – a mere blink when compared to Re’s father Enki or his brother Enlil who had been working on Earth for 15’000 years, but an eternity even when compared to Abraham who after all had reached 175 years.
The targeted destruction of all ancestral seats of the Titan lineages at the same time buried the secret of the elixir of life and of Idun’s life-prolonging apples, and when centuries later the destroyed Hellas slowly awoke from its historic coma the memory of the eternally living Gods of Olympus congealed to religion and myth.
Only in the classic Hellenic era, at the time of Plato, could the formerly detested Zeus, now idealised larger-than-life and living in the spiritual world of the Gods, be so ardently revered.
The shock of the destruction was so enduring in Hellas that only in the year 776 BC a new calculation of times was begun – with the decision to hold Olympic Games.
The global network of flying routes with the section that in the North were called Bifröst was now irrevocably destroyed. For about 2’000 years it had served the rulers of this planet as their main travel routes.
Some of their stations delivered for a further 2’300 years enough energy to create that magical green glow that 900 years ago Adam von Bremen perceived with astonishment over the town of Lumneta, north of the Limfjord.
Most other stations however – especially those in Hellas, on Crete, in the oasis Siwa and in Napata – had been out-of-service and dilapidated for centuries until in the 7th century BC they were refashioned into oracle sites.
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