The larger part of humanity does not have access to any electricity supply that would replace candles and oil lamps with light bulbs and the open fire by a electric hotplate. In the areas ofAfricanear the deserts or threatened by desertification this deprivation leads to the people through need burning the last surviving trees that would stop the advancement of the deserts. This finally leads to the total loss of their livelihood. The cultivation of cereals, fruits or vegetables is simply not possible on dry desert sand.
This terrible state of deprivation shall be ended by a concerted worldwide action. We strive to set up a large fund for donations from which a basic supply of electric energy for the needy of this world be financed. As a first step our regulating associations of the Operation Common Good! will set up accounts whose collected donations will later be transferred to a foundation.
The main goals in this area of basic electricity services are:
- Basic electricity services for all human beings
- Advancement of cost-effective environment-neutral techniques next to the already known alternatives like solar and wind energy
This basic supply of energy shall be available to all humans on all continents without exception. It may therefore not be supplied by energy monopoles. The energy supply must rather be fashioned in such a way that the energy needed for lighting, heating and other electricity consuming devices is generated directly in the house or in a network of neighbours.
Both solar and wind power plants are dependent on weather. The world needs additional energy transforming devices that work independent of weather conditions, are stationed in every house and above all are cheap to build and to buy.
Such technical alternatives exist: These are mechanical self-runners for stationary use as well as magnet motors and related solutions that next to the stationary use are also suited for all types of transportation. Vehicles equipped in this way need no fuel, do not burden the environment and have an unlimited cruising range.
These energy generators – whether for housing, manufactures, for vehicles, ships or airplanes – solve several problems to a large extent. Firstly they make every user independent of the monopolistic net providers. Secondly they do not consume any fuel, which will bring the need for oil, gas, coal or nuclear power within a few years towards zero. Thirdly the burden on the environment will be greatly reduced. And lastly do these generators after a short period of amortisation provide energy without cost.
This call also targets all those inventors, tinkerers and gadgeteers who work in their garages and workshops towards solutions that industry over the last decades not only ignored, but actively sabotaged. Workable solutions may be registered on our website.
COMMON GOOD - Appeal (1142 downloads)
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